WCC Compare

WCC Compare
Author: Zach Bunyard
January 24, 2025

Oracle's WebCenter Content (WCC) is a large application, with many configuration options.  Have you ever been investigating a problem, or developing a new feature and find that the behavior differs between your Dev/Stg/Prd environments?  Then after numerous hours of troubleshooting and research, you finally find that one or two configurations differed between environments and caused your headaches?
Have you ever forgotten to track what WCC config changes you've made and had to backtrack to remember?

No more.  Let Redstone's WCC Compare custom component step in and do the heavy lifting for you.  With this new tool, admins can take a known set of WCC configurations and compare it against a live WCC instance.  This will then show you all differences found and allow you to apply config updates to your environment with a simple checkbox.


Key Features:

  • Compare a live WCC instance against a known set of configurations - This tool uses a CMU bundle as our set of 'known configurations'
  • Seamless integration with existing CMU pages - navigate to and from CMU bundles with the pages/options you already know, with the additional WCC Comparison report page for added context/ease.
  • View differences in configurations, and see what changes the CMU would actually apply - CMU today will show you the configuration items that have been bundled within.  However, it will not show you WHAT the config value is, or what your WCC instance currently has configured.  WCC Compare gives you this valuable insight.
  • Works with all out of the box CMU sections


WCC Compare component screenshot



  • Compare configurations between WCC environments - Upload a bundle from PRD WCC into Dev and see how Dev is configured differently
  • Disaster Recovery - in a disaster scenario, a CMU bundle from the failed environment can be used to bring another instance (Dev, Stg, or dedicated DR env) up more quickly by taking the guess work out of what's different/changed.
  • Track Configuration 'Drift' - Compare your live WCC instance against a CMU bundle taken some time ago.  See how configurations have changed over time.
  • Reduce CMU bundle down to 'meaningful' configurations - filter out configurations that match the CMU, and only show those that would actually change your WCC instance
  • Investigative/Troubleshooting Config Tracking - You're experiencing a bug that you need to resolve.  A CMU bundle taken before this process begins will allow us to see what, if anything, is changed in WCC over the course of investigating.
  • Save Time - Tracking down configuration differences/problems can be a time-consuming process, especially if multiple WCC instance are involved.  Let WCC Compare sift through configs and allow developers to focus on the task at hand.


Coming Soon:

  • Scheduled CMU exports
  • Automated export of CMU bundles to other environments or locations
  • Compare WCC Providers
  • Compare Patches between WCC environments